Missing Some Serotonin? The Secret Is On Your Plate.
Finding yourself reaching for sugary, carby goodness while you’re tucked on the couch binging Stranger Things season 3? Yeah, they’re just normal Winter cravings... you know this. But what can you do about it? There are a few considerations when it comes to our nutrition and well-being over the cooler months. For those living particularly in southern parts of Australia, the lack of sunlight has been associated with changes in dietary patterns, lack of motivation to exercise and changes in mood. |
A condition called seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is currently being further researched but has been closely associated with similar changes in behaviour that are unhelpful to achieving a healthy lifestyle. It is important to be aware of how our mood can change during the cooler months in order to help maintain healthy eating patterns and training routines.
Foods containing probiotics (think: yoghurt, kimchi, pickled vegetables, tempeh) are also beneficial additions! Have a favourite comfort food recipe? Let us know in the comments below! |
Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012, retrieved 27/2/2019 http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Lookup/4364.0.55.006Chapter2002011-12
Tara Davenport is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian and an Accredited Sports Dietitian who uses a wide range of techniques to optimise your nutrition, your health, and to support a positive relationship with food. She takes a holistic non-diet approach involving intuitive eating styles, mindfulness as well as nutrition to fuel performance.
To find out more, follow her on Instagram here, or head to her website.